Sunday, August 9, 2020

Stacking the Shelves/July in Review!

Hosted by Tynga's ReviewsStacking the Shelves is where all the booknerds can post about the lovely (or not so lovely) books that we've read, acquired, or discovered.

So, July wasn't great. It wasn't horrible, but things haven't gotten better. I've been really busy watching my cousin (as I have been since March). He was supposed to start camp in July (actually, he was supposed to start at the end of May, but of course it was pushed back), but that got canceled.

Things have gotten worse here in my town. The numbers are getting high, even with the mask mandate. I feel like we are coming up to another shutdown, but the county is avoiding the idea.

With all of this, my mental health hasn't been great. I feel a little better now than I did a few weeks ago (but I also was feeling better at the beginning of last month, so things might change). Even though I am reading a lot, I feel like I'm in a reading slump. I haven't been loving very many of the books I've been reading. I've been watching a lot more shows lately, because for some reason shows are able to grasp my attention while books can't (usually it's the other way around). I haven't done much writing or blogging (I've been mainly just lurking around blogs lately). Though I did start writing out some of my thoughts to my future self, which is helping a little and is a little fun when I'm not going down a black hole.

Anyway, in the grand scheme of things, my family is still lucky and I hope that continues. I hope everyone else is doing well and continues to do well.

Books Read


Digital Audio (Library and Audiobooksync)


ARCs/Bookish First

From the Eggos

Kellogg's had a deal where if you bought a box of Eggos (or other Kellogg's products), you can get a book.

New Discoveries
I DID NOT RECEIVE OR BUY THESE BOOKS. I only added them to my TBR list.
(I'm trying my hardest to not add very many books to my TBR right now)

Without Covers:

How was your July?

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