Monday, November 4, 2019

REVIEW: Cold as Marble by Zoe Aarsen

Cold as Marble (Weeping Willow High, #2)
The deadly game continues…

Olivia and Candace are dead, both casualties of Violet’s deadly game of Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board. McKenna and Mischa are the only ones left, and having failed to locate and destroy the source of Violet’s power, her curse still abounds, eager to claim more lives.

What does Violet want? And how can she be stopped? Armed with a mysterious package containing clues, as well as a little help from the beyond, McKenna hopes to end this once and for all…before it’s too late. 

It took me a while to get into this book, but I do think it continued the suspense from the first book and expanded on some details.

McKenna thought that by destroying Violet's locket that Violet's game would end, but kids at Willow High are still getting their deaths predicted. The problem is that, after last year's shenanigans, McKenna and Trey had been sent off to separate boarding schools and aren't allowed anywhere near Violet. Now they are back at Willow for Christmas break and they need to find a way to stop Violet once and for all.

I was frustrated when I started this book. The book basically begins saying that everything in book one didn't work, so now they have to do a whole mess of other stuff. I don't really like it when books do this. I also felt that the concept worked better in book one and could have stood alone. There were some interesting things that came about in this book, though. We learn more about Violet and why she is doing this, which helped add more dimension to her character and added sense to her motives.

It took me a while to get into this book because the characters were going to do something stupid, and I did not want to see that. So, I put the book aside for a couple of days. When I got back to it, I found that I didn't have anything to worry about and the last half of the book really picked up the pace. This book continues the suspense from book one and there are a lot of thriller elements in the last half of the book.

McKenna also learns more about herself in this book. She learns that she has a special connection with the otherside that allows her to communicate with spirits. We also see more of her sister, Jennie, in this book. One of the things that is added in this book is the pendulum. McKenna uses this to ask spirits questions, but it felt like it was overused throughout the book. McKenna would ask the pendulum whenever she (or others) had to make a decision or were putting themselves at risk. I understand that she wanted answers, but it really slowed down the rising action. It also made little sense because when she first got the pendulum, she was told that it is best used for yes/no questions and to avoid asking questions about the future because the future could still change. Yet almost everything question she asks it is about the future!

Overall, I did like this book. Despite some of my issues with it, it does make an intriguing and suspenseful read. I don't know if Simon&Schuster is publishing book three or not, but I don't plan on continuing the series. Even though I liked this book, the ending frustrated me. [highlight to view spoiler] Like the beginning of this book, this book ends by basically saying that everything that happened still didn't work. [end of spoiler] It made me feel like I wasted my time.

I hereby give this book
3 Stars

Meaning: I liked it.

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