Thursday, July 11, 2019

Cover vs Cover: Found by Margaret Peterson Haddix

This week's pick is...

 Found (The Missing, #1)VS.    FoundVS.1675216
Take One                        Take Two                        Take Three
Okay, so I know why the covers were updated with cover number three. The first two don't really say sci-fi and the third cover does. The other two aren't exactly fantastic, but I'm not a fan of the newest cover. Take Two is probably the worst because it's just a blurry picture of children running. Take One isn't much and if you hadn't read the book maybe it's weird to have a plane on the front of a time travel book, but I still like it better than Take Three. Part of it could be nostalgia, but I also just don't like those colors together and the device is the center isn't really a device in the plot? The devices they use to time travel acts a lot like how the TARDIS would act if it's chameleon circuit were working, which means that the device's appearance changes to fit the time period. I also don't like the new covers together. Each one has the same device in the center, some random color combination, and a projection that's supposed to tell you what's in the book but it's hard to tell sometimes. As I'm typing this I had just read Risked and the projection on that cover is just bad. It looks like two people fighting (I'm not sure what scene it is meant to be) and they both look like awful computer graphics from the early 2000's. At least with the first cover, the covers that follow eventually end up looking interesting and help show the main settings of the book.
 Final Verdict: Take One
Do you agree? Give me your thoughts on which cover is the best!

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